While the form asks for your name, you can
elect to make this an anonymous report by omitting your name and contact
Supportive Measures: Individuals may have the right to reasonably appropriate measures to restore or preserve access to the living, learning, and working environment. For example, individuals may need academic extensions or adjustments to their class assignment or working environment or obtain a no-contact order (prohibiting communication between parties). The measures provided will be confidentially maintained to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality will not impair the University's ability to provide the accommodations. *
ANTI-RETALIATION:The University encourages individuals to report sexual misconduct, or to participate in the grievance process. Retaliation can take many forms, including abuse or violence, threats, and intimidation. Individuals who feel they have been retaliated against should email titleix@cbu.edu. Individuals or groups who have been found to have engaged in retaliation and will be held accountable under this policy. *
CONFIDENTIALITY & RIGHT TO AN ADVISOR: This complaint will be handled as privately as possible. Information is shared only on a need-to-know basis to be able to respond to concerns. Individuals have a right to an advisor of their choice who can provide support. The role of the advisor is limited to observing and consulting with you. *
DISCIPLINARY AMNESTY: The University maintains a policy of amnesty for students who offer help to others in need. Individuals or groups who have been harmed or witnessed misconduct while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are incentivized to share what they know. The University will generally not pursue disciplinary violations against a student or witness for their improper use of alcohol or drugs (e.g., underage drinking), if they are making a report of sexual misconduct. *